Fees and Free Early Education

Nursery sessions are charged at £17.00 per session, for children who are not receiving free early education funding at the Windmill Nursery.

When can my child start Free Early Education?

The Government have introduced new types of funding to meet the needs of many families.  We are able to offer 15 hours free childcare for disadvantaged two year olds, eligible working parents of two year olds and all three and four year olds.

To prove eligibility for funding for disadvantaged two year olds and working parents of two year olds, parents must request a code which needs to be issued to the nursery where they can check it for eligibility.  Codes for the working parent entitlement must be requested the term prior to the intended start date.  Where this falls on the Autumn term (September) the code must be requested by no later than 31st August.

We will hold a place whilst we are checking the eligibility of your code on the understanding that the funding application is successful. If you are not eligible for the funding, you will be required to pay the sessional fee for all sessions that your child has attended, plus two weeks notice fee should you choose to leave the setting.

ALL children become eligible for a Free Early Education Funded place from the start of the school term after their third birthday. This means that most three year olds will be able to start a free nursery place in the September, January or April following their third birthday.

A child aged three by:

31st March will be eligible for free nursery education from the Summer Term (April).
31st August will be eligible for free nursery education from the Autumn Term (September).
31st December will be eligible for free nursery education from the Spring Term (January).

However, as the nursery only has the capacity to have one in-take of children in September every year, sessions are not offered throughout the year (unless sessions become unexpectedly available i.e. if a child leaves the area).

How many hours can my child have?

Your child is entitled to a maximum of 15 hours per week for 38 weeks of the year. We have 3 hourly sessions. Your child needs to be included in the headcount week by being registered with the nursery on the headcount day which falls within the first three weeks of term and you will have had to bring in your child’s birth certificate or passport and completed a parental declaration form.

How do I get Free Early Education?

Parents do not need to apply for the funding. Each term the nursery claims on your behalf for the number of hours your child will be attending and then the Local Authority will pay the funding directly to us. The funding is not paid directly to parents.


We do accept 2 year olds who are eligible for Free Early Education who meet the criteria, for information regarding 2 year old free early education please go to: www.kent.gov.uk/freefor2, or speak to a member of staff for details.


How will I know that my child will receive good quality nursery education?

Both schools and nurseries who provide the Free Early Education must follow the Government’s Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. The quality of their provision is monitored by the Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED).

Do all the 15 hours have to be with the same provider?

The 15 hours do not have to be used with the same provider, but you must inform both providers that you are sharing the hours. At the Windmill Nursery you cannot have more than five funded sessions per week and you do not have to use all five sessions if you do not want to, each session is 3 hours.