The designated person for behaviour management within the setting is Denise Jones.
Our aim at The Windmill Nursery is to work towards a situation where children can develop self-esteem and self-discipline, in an atmosphere of mutual respect and encouragement. Staff members, volunteers and students will act as good role models for children within the nursery environment.
- Adults within the group will ensure that rules are applied to consistently, so that the children know what to except and can build up useful habits and behaviour which is acceptable and continually endorsed.
- Adults will be positive role models for the children, with regards to friendliness, care, courtesy and honesty.
- The nursery will encourage and praise children, whilst endorsing desirable behaviour, i.e. kindness and sharing.
- Positive behaviour rewards are integrated in day to day activities, with the kindness tree and reward stickers.
- Steps will be taken to avoid situations in which children receive adult attention only in return for undesirable behaviour.
- Staff within the group are to ensure that their behaviour is in line with their contract of employment and their job description. If their behaviour at any time is deemed inappropriate that may be contradictory to these or any of the setting’s policies then the Supervisor and / or the Trustees will follow the correct protocols in managing the situation at hand.
Unacceptable Behaviour
- Physical punishment such as smacking or shaking is unacceptable and will not be used at any period.
- Children will not be sent out of the room on their own.
- A child would not be singled out or humiliated.
- Children’s behaviour which is unacceptable will be given one to one adult support in seeking what is undesirable regarding this behaviour, so that the child can work towards a better understanding of acceptable behaviour.
- This may be achieved more appropriately by a period of ‘time out’ with an adult.
- In serious cases of undesirable behaviour, i.e. racial or other abuse, which is deemed unacceptable, it will be made clear immediately, by means of explanation not personal blame.
- In cases of undesirable behaviour it will always be made clear to the child / children that this behaviour in unacceptable at nursery.
- Adults will not shout or raise their voices in a threatening manner.
- Adults will be aware and respect that a range of cultural expectations whilst interacting with others.
- Any behavioural difficulties will be handled appropriately, respecting individual children’s level of understanding and maturity.
- Recurring problems regarding a child’s behaviour will be dealt with in partnership with the child’s parents / guardians. This will be done using objective observations records, assessments and the ‘My Unique Story’ document. So that a greater understanding of the cause can be established.
- Adults will understand that some kinds of behaviour may arise from a child with additional or special educational needs. If this is the case, the behaviour management designated person will liaise with the Supervisor and Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator.
- If physical intervention is required it will only be for the purposes of averting immediate danger of personal injury to any person (including the child) or to manage a child’s behaviour if absolutely necessary. If physical intervention has had to be used this will be recorded in the physical intervention form and the parents and / or carers will be informed on the same day.