We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and thank you for helping at the nursery. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff, who are happy to help. Thank you.
- Whilst at the nursery you may come into contact with confidential information regarding the children and/or their families or adults present at the nursery. ALL information should be kept confidential at all times.
- Safeguarding procedures – if you are concerned with any child protection issues, please speak to the Supervisor or Deputy Supervisor.
- Please ensure that the nursery and any persons associated within it (i.e. children, staff, parents, students and other helpers) are not mentioned on any social networking sites.
- In the event of a fire drill, please follow the fire procedure, which you will find near the fire exit door.
- There is a first aid box, which is allocated on the top shelving unit by the water area.
- During the nursery session if a child or adult should have an accident then there is an accident book, which should be completed by a member of staff. These are allocated by the Supervisor’s desk.
- We do have an Equality of Opportunities Policy that ensures all those involved within the setting supports the development of a multi-cultural, anti racist, non sexiest and non ageist environment.
- During the nursery session a child may ask for assistance within the toilet area. Helpers are asked NOT to enter this area and should seek a member of staff (due to child protection regulations and DBS checks).
- If your own child within the nursery wants your help within the toilet area, please ensure that a member of staff is present (as other children maybe within the same area).
- For the duration of your time at the nursery we politely request that you refrain from using your mobile telephone. In cases of emergency, the nursery has a telephone that can be accessed upon request.
- When writing children’s names onto their pictures/paintings, please start at the top left hand side, starting with an upper case letter (capital) and then onto lower case letters (small).
- During tidy up time only adults are to stack any chairs or tables when the children are seated on the carpet area. Chairs are to be stacked to a maximum of 4 per stack.
- If you have any concerns about any child’s behaviour, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff.
- Remember if you are helping at the nursery and your child is in attendance, please be aware that they may behave differently than they do at home.
- All adults’ behaviour should be appropriate for an early years setting and in line with the setting’s Behaviour Management Policy. If you are unsure of how to manage a situation, please ensure you seek a member of staff for support.
- In line with statutory requirements, we politely request that you read and follow the procedures and practices set within all of the setting’s policies. These can be found on the settings website or ask the Nursery Supervisor.
- Please read the Safeguarding policy and practice. For your information, the designated safeguarding persons are Sue Melvin and Norma Whapshott. You will be expected to sign a declaration that you have read the Safeguarding policy and procedure and will obide by it.
We hope you enjoy your experience with us, Thank you.
The Windmill Nursery
I hereby confirm that I have read, understood and will abide by THE WINDMILL NURSERY policies, practices and procedures.
I declare that I have be made aware of the importance of the Safeguarding policy and practice document and that I will adhere to all the guidelines.