Health and Hygiene

The designated person for health and safety is Nikki Reece, although it is the responsibility of all staff members to ensure that the setting reaches its aims and objectives regarding all health, hygiene and safety issues.


  • All snacks that are provided will be nutritious and will pay attention to each individual child’s dietary requirements.
  • Fresh drinking water is available at all times. Children are encouraged to help themselves to fresh drinking water if they are thirsty.
  • When cookery activities take place with the children, the adults will provide a healthy and wholesome diet, promoting and extending the understanding of a healthy diet/lifestyle.
  • Awareness will always be paramount regarding a child’s belief, regarding food and food preparations, i.e. Muslims, Jewish, vegetarians etc.
  • Hands will always be washed under running water before handling any food (before cooking or snack time).
  • No persons suffering from infectious/contagious illnesses or skin conditions are to be involved in the preparations of food.
  • Tables used for preparing (cookery) and snack time will be cleaned using an anti-bacterial cleaner.
  • All fruit and vegetables are to be washed thoroughly.
  • All persons are advised to never cough or sneeze over food.
  • All cups are to be washed thoroughly and are to be sterilized when required.
  • All utensils are to be cleaned and kept in a dust free environment.
  • Tea towels are to be kept scrupulously clean and washed between each session.
  • A fridge is available for any food or drinks that must be kept chilled.

We take health and hygiene very seriously, however, should there be an instance of two or more children attending the setting that have been affected by food poisoning then the setting will inform OFSTED within 14 days of the incident.


Parents/guardians/carers are asked to keep their children at home if they have infectious or contagious illnesses and are asked to inform the nursery about the nature of the infection, so that the staff can be observant when monitoring the children within the nursery. Guidance will be sought regarding infectious illnesses to prevent illnesses spreading.

Parents/guardians/carers are asked not to bring any child into the nursery who has been vomiting or has diarrhoea, until 24 hours has passed after the last symptom/attack. If an adult or child has a cut or open sore, it must be covered with a plaster or dressing.

If a child is on prescribed medication the following procedures will be followed:

  • If possible the child’s parent/guardian/carer will administer the medication.
  • The medication must be clearly labelled with the child’s name, dosage and instructions.
  • All medication must be within its original container.
  • Guidance from appropriate agencies (Social Services), before people other than the parents/guardians/carers administers the medication.
  • Written consent will be obtained from the parent/guardian/carer, giving instructions regarding dosage, administration of medication and permission for a member of staff to follow the instructions.
  • For emergency medication, i.e. asthma, diabetes, allergic reactions, etc. Guidance and/or training will be sought from Doctors, health clinics etc., on how to use the medication and/or equipment correctly (inhalers, insulin, adrenaline auto injector etc).
  • Training will be no less than that received by the parents/guardians/carers.
  • All medication must be stored in a locked cabinet in a safe location.
  • A medication sheet is available to log in the name of the child, time and date of the medication given, dosage given and signature of the person who administered the medication.

With regards to any children who have had their per-school boosters, the parent/guardian/carer must inform the Supervisor or the Deputies as a matter of course. The nursery will ensure that the first aid equipment is kept clean, replenished and replaced as necessary. This is kept at the allocated place, by the fire exit within the nursery room.

A book is used to record accidents and incidents and is kept up-to-date. All relevant information is recorded date, time, circumstances, any marks/lumps/bumps, where the injury is on the child, who administered the first aid, what treatment was given, signed by staff member and name of any witness of the accident/incident. The child will then be monitored. When the child is collected from the nursery (if the accident/incident is not serious), the parent/guardian/carer signs that book after the staff member has spoken to all concerned.

The nursery endeavours to maintain links with Health Visitors and gather health information and advice from other sources, keeping parents/guardians/carers informed and up-to-date on any relevant information regarding health issues.


To prevent the spread of infections, staff will ensure that the following practices are observed:

  • Hands are washed after using the toilet.
  • Large boxes of tissues are available and the children are encouraged to blow and wipe their own noses when necessary. Then ensuring soiled tissues are disposed of hygienically.
  • Children are encouraged to shield their mouths when coughing or sneezing.
  • Individual paper towels are used for drying hands and must be disposed of appropriately.
  • Hygiene rules relating to bodily fluids are followed with particular care. All staff and volunteers are made aware of how infections, including HIV can be transmitted.
  • No smoking is permitted inside or outside the nursery premises.


  • Any spills/accidents of blood, vomit, excrement must be disposed of hygienically, i.e. down the toilet.
  • When clearing up spills of bodily fluids and when changing children’s clothing rubber gloves MUST be worn at all times.
  • The floor and other surfaces will be disinfected appropriately. Contaminated fabrics must be thoroughly washed, put into a named sealed bag and given to the parent/guardian/carer.
  • Different cloths will be used in different areas of the building, i.e. outside, toileting areas, kitchen, tables, craft items etc.
  • Waste is disposed of properly, out of the reach of children, kept in a lidded dustbin and after use all persons are to wash their hands.
  • Spare clothes i.e. pants, skirts etc are kept at the nursery.
  • All surfaces are to be cleaned daily with the appropriate cleaner.
  • The setting employs an independent cleaner that cleans the setting at the end of the day.