We hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and would like to thank you for your kind cards, gifts and Christmas wishes. We would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year. Also, a big thank you for your support for the cake and raffle contribution.
Term 3 – Wednesday 4th January -Friday 10th February 2023
Half Term – Monday 13th February – Friday 17th February
Term 4 – Monday 20th February – Friday 31st April 2023
We have a very busy term, with lots of celebrations. Please make sure you make a note so when your child talks to you about what they have been learning you will be well prepared.
Valentine Day 14th February, Pancake Day 21st February, Chinese New Year 22nd January (the year of the Rabbit), St Patrick Day 17th March, Mother’s Day 19th March, Easter 9th April 2023
We would like to remind those who have children moving to reception in September 2023, applications close on the 16th January 2023. So please complete the online application form by visiting www.kent.gov.uk
We will be continuing to follow the children’s interests, gathering photos and observations. You will be receiving their unique story document from last term, which not only highlights their development and progress observed, but also what we are planning to support your child to learn next. If you do have any questions please do make an appointment with your child’s allocated key person at any time, we are here to help.
The Windmill Nursery: 01322 229393
BEAMS: 01322 668501
Gingerbread – lone parent help line: 0800 8010323
Colour Term 3 is Green Colour and Term 4 is Blue. The children are encouraged to bring in pictures or items from home representing the colour to aid them in their colour recognition.
Please encourage your children to be as creative as they like, painting, colouring or sticking using the colour of the term and we will then show their friends.
Our notice boards in the lobby and outside board are full of useful information, such as your child’s learning, based around the EYFS. Please do take a moment to have a look.
Please do take note that in accordance with the EYFS, all children have access to the outside area every day. Please ensure children stay the whole session so that their learning is optimised and children are collected promptly so that they do not become distressed whilst waiting to be collected.
Please continue to consider our neighbours when parking your car.
Can all items of clothing and bags be labelled with their names, including hats, gloves, shoes and coats. Velcro shoes are really good for children to gain independence in putting on their own shoes.
Please can you remember to inform of any changes to personal information (phone numbers, potty training, parent separation, sleep problems) as these all have an effect on your children’s leaning at nursery.
Fees must be paid in advance, if you are unsure if you owe anything from last term, please speak to Sue. With busy home lives it is easy to for forget.
Please check that all cooking fees are paid, as these are wonderful opportunities that would not be experienced without the vital payment. Thank you.
Headcount week is the week starting the 16th JANUARY 2023.
All parents must sign the declaration for this, as we cannot claim your child’s funding without it.
Would you like to see what your child is learning? The nursery operates a parent/carer rota for you to come and experience nursery life. This is available within the nursery lobby. If you would like more information, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff.
Buttons, craft items, food colouring, any size paper etc., any donations are greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your support and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.