Equality of Opportunities

The nursery recognises the role in which it undertakes in implementing the Equality Act 2010, and respects the diverse strategies that is required to implement this act into the setting for it’s service users including, past, present and future children and their families, visitors, volunteers, trustees, committee members and staff members.

  • The nursery’s designated equality of opportunities person is Tara Wheeler. Although it is the responsibility of all staff members to ensure that the setting reaches its aims and objectives regarding its equality of opportunities policy.
  • The Nursery acknowledges the Equality Act 2010, which recognises and protects against discrimination regarding, age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.
  • The nursery is committed to ensuring that the establishment is compliant to the Equality legislation and the social responsibility of its service users.
  • Any persons who demonstrate discriminatory attitudes or behaviours towards any of its services users will be dealt with in accordance to the incident and the setting’s policies and procedures in relation to the incident. An investigation into the incident will be conducted by the Supervisor and/or lead Trustee.
  • We ensure that the nursery’s activities are open to all the children and to all parents/guardians/carers etc. Those committed to their welfare.
  • We ensure that all workers within the nursery, i.e. volunteers, students, employees have an equal chance to do so.
  • The Supervisor ensures that a yearly inclusion audit is carried out so that the setting is evaluating on its inclusive provisions.
  • The nursery is open to every family in the community.  We operate our waiting list according to the age of the children (two years and six months to compulsory school age), and then prioritise children who have had siblings attend the nursery in the past.
  • We try to ensure that parents/guardians are made aware of the equality of opportunities policy.
  • We recognise that many different types of families successfully love and care for their children and are welcome into the nursery.
  • We offer a flexible payment system for families with differing means.  If required, please do not hesitate to ask the Supervisor for assistance, which will be dealt with confidentially.
  • Employment – the nursery will appoint the best person for each job and will treat all applicants fairly and those appointed for the job. Commitment to implementing the nursery’s equality of opportunities policy will form part of the job description for all employees.


  • We aim to show respectful awareness of major events in the lives of the nursery children and their families and in society as a whole.
  • We welcome and encourage participation and guidance from parents/guardians/carers.
  • Children within the nursery will be made aware of the multitude of festivals, which are celebrated by their own families or by others.
  • We endeavour to cover these festivals through stories, crafts, role-play activities and discussions.
  • Staff will gather advice and information from various resources, so that festivals are correctly celebrated and the meaning behind them explained to the children at a level that they can understand and interact with each other as a group through specifically planned activities and equipment, i.e. clothes, food, etc.
  • All children will be respected individually, valued and nurtured. Activities and use of equipment offered to all children will guarantee them the opportunity to develop in an environment that is free from prejudice and discrimination.
  • Opportunities will be given to the children to acknowledge and respect other children and their families within the nursery.
  • We have a wide range of equipment, toys, books and pictures that give children a balanced and positive view of society that we live in and an appreciation of a multicultural society.  The nursery continues to monitor and evaluate the equipment to ensure that it is up-to-date with its effectiveness.
  • The nursery will celebrate both Mothers and Fathers days in a sensitive manner, recognising that some children’s male and female role models within their home environment may not necessarily be their paternal parents.


  • We ensure that each individual child and their families’ needs are met.  If their first language is not English we will do our upmost to provide a staff member who speaks their first language and help to make the child and their parents/guardians feel welcomed and part of the nursery.
  • Discriminatory behaviour/remarks are unacceptable.  We aim to be sensitive in our approach and explain and encourage a child to overcome their prejudices.
  • Information spoken and written will be communicated in as many languages as possible.
  • The nursery building is wheelchair accessible with wide door and with a wheelchair accessible toilet. The setting recognises the DDA (Disability Discrimination Act) and the reasonable adjustment duty and will do its upmost to adapt the nursery and it’s routine to meet the needs of all children attending the nursery. Children and adults with additional or special educational needs and disabilities will not be discriminated against.
  • All children’s development is observed and assessed throughout their time at the nursery and the individual needs of the children will be met through various means, appropriately planned activities, high staff ratio, adjustments to equipment/routines, purchasing of new equipment, research and gaining detailed knowledge of individual needs of children (by accessing training for staff members).
  • The nursery is committed to working with both parents/guardians and other agencies and will seek advice from appropriate sources/agencies that are available.
  • If a child is not experiencing the English language within their home environment and it is deemed appropriate the setting will provide (loan) English resources to support the child and their families.
  • Further information regarding special educational needs can be found in the special educational needs and disabilities policy.


  • All medical, dietary and cultural needs will be met.


  • We ensure that any meetings conducted by the Windmill Nursery are passed onto the parents/guardians verbally, written or by notices giving them the opportunity to be involved in various aspects of the nursery and their children.
  • All parents/guardians are invited to join/participate in the nursery’s committee.
  • The nursery acknowledges and respects confidentiality and the well-being of each child.  Please see the nursery’s confidentiality policy and child protection policy for more details.