If it is brought to the attention by the nursery Assistant that a child is missing from the nursery, he/she will promptly speak to the nursery Supervisor or in their absence a Deputy Supervisor.
The following steps will then be taken:
- The Supervisor and staff will gather the children in an orderly fashion onto the carpet area.
- The Supervisor will then check the nursery register to account for the children.
- Whilst this is happening the person allocated on ‘craft’ will check the building.
- If after the register has been taken and the inside of the building has been checked, and the child is still missing, then the person allocated on ‘craft’ will check the outside of the building and close surrounding areas.
- Whilst step four is being taken the person allocated on ‘game and milk’ will go to the school office and ask if they have seen a child or any unauthorised persons.
- The children on the carpet area will be kept amused with activities whilst the Supervisor telephones the parent/guardian/carers and the Police.
- Steps will then be taken in accordance with Police advice.
If a child has not been collected from nursery by his/her parent/guardian or allocated carer the following steps will be taken:
- Two persons will remain at all times within the nursery with the children, whilst the following steps are undertaken.
- The Supervisor will telephone the child’s parent/guardians. Firstly the home telephone number, if no response mobile telephone number (if available). If there is still no response the parent/guardian’s work telephone number.
- If after step two has been undertaken and there has been no response from the parent/guardian’s telephone numbers, then the emergency contacts from the child’s registration form will be contacted.
- If the above steps have been unsuccessful then the Social Services Department and/or Police will be telephoned.
- The nursery Supervisor will then wait for instructions from the Social Services Department and/or Police.