Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

This document is a statement of aims, strategies and principles that The Windmill Nursery implements in its Special Educational Needs provision.

The 1993 Education Act defines special educational needs as a child having a learning difficulty, if he/she has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of his/her own age, or they have a disability which either prevents or hinders them from making use of the educational facilities of a kind that you generally find within a Nursery, within the local area of educational authority that it concerns, for children of his/her own age. This policy and the nursery’s practice recognise the special educational needs Code of Practice 2001, and the Equality Act 2010 and the reasonable adjustment duty.


The Nursery recognises that there are children who may require special educational needs provision whilst attending the Nursery, due to learning, behavioural, emotional, social, physical, sensory or medical factors. We recognise that all children should be provided with a stable, secure learning environment. With this we are fully aware that learning resources and the nursery’s learning environment may need to be adapted to enable a child to reach their full potential. The Windmill Nursery will do its upmost to inform parents/guardians about their legal rights from the special educational needs Code of Practice. The staff at the Nursery will always be flexible and understanding with meetings and will regularly discuss a child’s development and progress both formally and informally with parents/guardians.

The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators at The Windmill Nursery are Denise Jones and Nikki Reece.

The Behaviour Management Designated person is Denise Jones.

They liaise together and with the Nursery Supervisor, Sue Melvin, regarding all aspects of the special educational needs policy. They will then liaise with the Nursery Assistants.


The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator has the responsibility for the day-to-day operation of the nursery’s special educational needs policy and for co-operating the provisions for children with additional of special educational needs. These duties include:

* Every parent/legal guardian has a right to know if the Nursery considers their child as having an additional special educational need. In which the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator will discuss and explain to the parents about each child’s additional or special educational need. At The Windmill Nursery we believe that partnership with parents is crucial in identifying and assessing the needs for all children, and that parents/guardians are the best knowledge regarding their child. Assessments, personalised plans, or targeted plan or care plans will be reviewed at least once a term. Although the child’s progress will be monitored each session and noted when appropriate.

* Parents will be consulted when a child’s needs change. The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, Supervisor and key person are always available for private discussion. They will always discuss a child’s needs with other nursery assistants and establish an appropriate course of action and plans to take. All staff members respect and abide by the nursery’s confidentiality policy.

* Assess whether any external support is required, e.g. speech therapist, educational welfare, specialist teaching service etc.

* They also review with the child’s key person their individual assessment and update this every term (if appropriate).

* A personalised plan or a targeted plan is implemented with the child’s parent and child’s key person. This aids in the implementation of the child’s small steps to their specific area of learning and the activities that maybe required for this.

* Liaise with all parents, staff (including Behaviour Management Designated person and Supervisor) and external agencies during the child’s period at The Windmill Nursery.


They will help to identify the children who require additional support or a child with special educational needs, which will lead to the appropriate course of action to take.

* Nursery Assistants are to liaise with the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator and Designated Behaviour Management person, concerning all children with additional or special educational needs.

* They are an essential part of the team in identifying and assessing all children with additional or special educational needs.

* Aid in the liaison with all agencies involved, including parents/guardians.

* The role of the Nursery Assistants at the Nursery is to carry out any strategies and plans implemented by all parties involved.

The Nursery Supervisor has responsibility for the day-to-day management of all aspects of the setting’s work, including the provisions for children with additional or special educational needs. The Supervisor, Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator and Designated Behaviour Management person will work together regarding all aspects of the special educational needs provisions.


At the Windmill Nursery we observe, plan and assess all children’s development with a detailed assessment form and the ‘My Unique Story’ document, at regular interval (at least once a term). If a child is assessed as having additional or special educational needs they may or may not require a personalised plan. The setting ensures that the best practice guidance for early years document is referred to, enabling a graduated response to meet the needs of all children are implemented, including implementing a targeted plan or a personalised plan. The SENCO has the ability to refer to LIFT (Local, Inclusion, Forum, Team) to seek advice and support from the STLS (Specialist Teaching Learning Service) and/or Early Help. They also have the ability to refer to SALT (Speech and Language Therapy), or the Community Paediatrician for a developmental assessment, with the permission from the child’s parent/carers.

  • If we feel that a child’s development needs to be monitored more closely with all staff, parents/guardians and Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator. Observations and a written report will be made and be reviewed approximately every six weeks, which may require a targeted plan.
  • If a child’s needs require a personalised plan then this will be written in conjunction with the child’s parents/carer with the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator or Behaviour Management person and where the STLS/SALT are involved then this will implement the advice and strategies recommended.
  • If a child’s needs are severe and complex then the setting may apply to the local authority for SENIF funding to support the child’s needs with specific tailored activities to meet the individual needs of the child.
  • Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) are only considered if a child is deemed to have severe and complex needs and will only be applied with parental consent and the involvement of the Specialist Teaching Learning Service have been involved. This may then lead to a (EHC Plan).
  • The local education authority may consider an EHCP if they believe it to be best interests of the child. The local education authority will make the EHCP and monitor and review its provision. Parents/Guardians have the right to appeal at any results of the EHCP within the timeframe. The local education authority will advise them regarding this. During the EHCP process, the local education authority, parent/guardians, Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator and other professionals will be involved.
  • If a child attending the setting is being looked after by the Local Authority (LAC) then the setting will aid in the writing of a Personal Education Plan (PEP), with the external agencies working to support the child. The setting will also ensure that all the identified strategies to support the child’s individual needs are implemented into the setting with agencies working to support the child.